Find the right program for your classroom.


Integrated STEAM Education

Challenge students to think constructively, creatively, and scientifically.

Encourage early career exploration with a union-approved, pre-apprenticeship program.

Teach students practical, 21st century workforce skills for future employability.



How it works

Any classroom can transform into a dynamic woodworking space that fosters creativity, innovation, and accomplishment.

We Train

Our training program blends digital and in-person training for your teachers. Teachers watch videos and take quizzes on our online learning platform prior to in-person training. After the training, your teachers complete any projects they will do with their students. 

We Equip

Turn your current classroom into a hand-tool woodshop in minutes. Empower students to help with set up and clean up. All hand tools come with safety gear, safety posters, and tool instructions to create a mindful and safe environment.

We support

Our lesson plans that align with national standards bring your classroom or after-school program to life. They allow you to teach STEM and other curricula in an interesting and engaging way! We also support you via email and phone support.

Woodworking enhances their interpersonal skills, their social-emotional learning, and just gives them a forum within which they can be doing something hands-on and enjoy the process, and also be proud of their product.
— Wendy McNeill, Principal, The Banyan School

Real stories from real students.


Frequently Ask Questions


Is the program safe?
Yes. Across thousands of students of all abilities and temperaments, they use the occasional band-aid.

What are the physical requirements?

4 students per sturdy 60” long table, 4 tables per tool chest

24 student class means 6 tables and two tool chests

How does pricing work?

The first year is the investment year and subsequent years have project materials and modest subscription fees

Training and repairs are optional in subsequent years

We offer multi-year contracts

Sole source vendor

Templates available for RFPs for “Maplewoodshop Proprietary” bids

How do I schedule during the year?

You can add it as a module in any marking period in STEM or Math

You can offer afterschool enrichment starting any marking period

You can offer summer school enrichment

How do I recruit teachers?

Send the CBS segment and ask who might be interested. Those will be your teachers

100% ready to use, minimal PD required, Fun and engaging way to apply math, reading, and ESL

This video shows how any teacher can ‘cut it’ with Maplewoodshop


 Forget shop regret.

Our unique portable program is designed to train, equip, and support your teachers to effectively incorporate our curriculums. Plus, we create a controlled and secure learning environment by exclusively employing hand tools and avoiding electrical equipment.

Ready to change your student’s lives?